Frequent flooding is polluting our waters, causing millions of dollars of damage, snarling traffic, threatening drinking water and even endangering lives. The problem is getting worse, and New Jersey communities don’t have the means or the authority to establish stormwater programs to address this growing threat.
New Jersey recently passed in law legislation (A2694/S1073) that enables counties and municipalities to set up, voluntarily, much-needed local stormwater programs to control flooding and reduce pollution. The local programs would be funded by a fee on hard surfaces that produce excessive stormwater runoff, such as rooftops, driveways and parking lots.
The New Jersey League of Conservation Voters has convened a broad coalition of state and local nonprofit organizations to support local implementation of these programs by counties and municipalities, once the state bill is passed. The coalition has identified twelve target communities to adopt the program and is focused on establishing a strong narrative around the state legislation to ensure its passage.
We believe that New Jersey communities are cleaner, greener, and safer because they are prepared to manage damaging flooding.
For more information about our Steering Committee members, please visit their websites:
Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions
New Jersey League of Conservation Voters Education Fund
New Jersey Future
New Jersey Highlands Coalition
Pinelands Preservation Alliance