Photo By Anthony Quintano

Common Agenda

Each legislative session, New Jersey League of Conservation Voters brings together a diverse cross-section of New Jersey conservation leaders and surveys its members to form a Common Agenda for the Environment, reflecting policy priorities shared across the New Jersey environmental community. For 2022-2023, these common priorities are:

  • Requiring 100% clean electricity from renewable energy sources by 2035, with strong commitments to reduce pollution in overburdened communities. This goal will put New Jersey at the forefront in the fight against climate change by meeting President Biden’s goal for a clean energy transition. 
  • Ensuring communities have accessible and electrified modern public transit options. Transportation is the leading sector that contributes most to climate change, and we’re looking at legislative action to expand access to clean, reliable public transit to reduce emissions and pollution and expand access to jobs for working families. 
  • Building a more resilient New Jersey and protect residents by including climate change into the State Hazard Mitigation Plan. Our state is already feeling the effects of climate change and must adapt its disaster plans to account for this fact in order to protect our families and communities. 
  • Protecting and increasing access to open spaces throughout New Jersey by reigning in warehouse sprawl. We want to preserve open space and reduce traffic by promoting responsible development that reduces the impacts large warehouses have on the environment, and expand access to our already protected spaces for all residents. 
  • Reducing carbon pollution from homes and businesses by using low-carbon building materials for construction. We can build more sustainably by encouraging the use of new technologies that reduce our carbon footprint.