Transportation is key to the welfare and quality of life of New Jersey residents. The future of New Jersey’s economy relies on the efficient and sustainable movement of people and goods around the region, yet the transportation sector is the State’s largest source of emissions.
Primary Concerns:
- New Jersey does not currently follow a strong “fix-it first” roadway maintenance mandate.
- DOT level of service analysis does not provide alternative ways to address capacity that does not default to widening a roadway.
- Shared mobility pilots are getting stuck in the pilot phase.
- There is no dedicated funding source for NJ Transit in New Jersey’s annual budget.
- Policies that center cars before people are prohibitive to biking and walking, making reducing emissions by taking cars off the road more difficult.
- Without new sources of funding, state-level electrification and emissions reduction goals will take longer to achieve.
Not Started
In Progress
First 100 Days
First 100 Days
First 100 Days
First 100 Days
First 100 Days
First Year
First Year
First Year
First Year
First Year
First Year
First Year
First Year
First Year
First Year
First Year
First Year
First Term
First Term
First Term
First Term
First Term
First Term
First Term
First Term
First Term
First Term
First Term
First Term
First Term
- Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency
- Department of Human Services
- New Jersey Redevelopment Authority
- Education
- New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs
- Department of State
- Business Action Center - Department of State
- Office of Secretary of Higher Education
- Plastics Advisory Council
- Department of Treasury
- Higher Education
- State Agriculture Development Council
- New Jersey Transit Village Program
- Metropolitan Planning Organizations
- New Jersey Transit
- State Planning Commission
- Secretary of State - Office of Planning Advocacy
- Secretary of State - Division of Travel and Tourism
- Secretary of State
- Drinking Water Quality Institute
- Office of the Attorney General
- First Lady’s Office
- Governor’s Office - Authorities Unit
- Governor’s Office
- Department of Labor and Workforce Development
- Schools Development Authority
- Office of Emergency Management
- Agriculture
- Department of Education
- Department of Health
- Department of Children and Families
- Economic Development Agency
- Infrastructure Bank
- Board of Public Utilities
- Department of Transportation
- Department of Community Affairs
- Department of Environmental Protection
- Motor Vehicles Commission