All New Jersey residents should have easy access to parks and open space, as they are essential to quality of life.
Primary Concerns:
- Continued loss of natural lands that sustain a rich diversity of flora and fauna and a clean water supply, which are essential to residents’ quality of life and the tourism industry.
- Damage from illegal off-road vehicle traffic on public lands, which is increasing, to the detriment of important habitats and recreational use.
- Lack of implementation of practices that improve soil health on New Jersey’s agricultural land. Loss of wetlands, resulting in the release of stored carbon into the atmosphere.
- Rapid loss of natural areas in recent decades has left many communities - especially communities of color and low-income communities - with too few parks and recreational areas, exacerbating climate change impacts.
- Many residents lack adequate access to well-designed, well-funded, well-maintained, well-programmed park, playground or green space within a 10-minute walk from their home or place of work.
- Loss of prime farmland and other open space to warehouse development.
- Sustainable forest stewardship and restoration, including deer and invasive species management.
- Increased interest in trails leading to lack of adequate funding for maintenance of existing trails and development of new trails.
- No coordinated state-wide program to encourage and coordinate outdoor recreation.
Not Started
In Progress
First 100 Days
First 100 Days
First 100 Days
First 100 Days
First 100 Days
First 100 Days
First 100 Days
First Year
First 100 Days
First 100 Days
First Year
First Year
First Year
First Year
First Year
First Year
First Year
First Year
First Year
First Year
First Year
First Year
First Year
First Year
First Year
First Year
First Term
First Term
First Term
First Term
First Term
First Term
First Term
First Term
First Term
First Term
First Term
- Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency
- Department of Human Services
- New Jersey Redevelopment Authority
- Education
- New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs
- Department of State
- Business Action Center - Department of State
- Office of Secretary of Higher Education
- Plastics Advisory Council
- Department of Treasury
- Higher Education
- State Agriculture Development Council
- New Jersey Transit Village Program
- Metropolitan Planning Organizations
- New Jersey Transit
- State Planning Commission
- Secretary of State - Office of Planning Advocacy
- Secretary of State - Division of Travel and Tourism
- Secretary of State
- Drinking Water Quality Institute
- Office of the Attorney General
- First Lady’s Office
- Governor’s Office - Authorities Unit
- Governor’s Office
- Department of Labor and Workforce Development
- Schools Development Authority
- Office of Emergency Management
- Agriculture
- Department of Education
- Department of Health
- Department of Children and Families
- Economic Development Agency
- Infrastructure Bank
- Board of Public Utilities
- Department of Transportation
- Department of Community Affairs
- Department of Environmental Protection
- Motor Vehicles Commission